Thursday, August 04, 2005

Britain - Police In Socks Raid Update

This is an update to the Police to raid Muslim homes in socks, post.

It turns out there are 18 "don't's" the police have to follow before raiding suspected Muslim terrorists hide outs.

Use of police dogs will be considered serious desecration of the premises and may necessitate extensive cleaning of the house and disposal of household items.

Such as bombs?

If people are praying at home officers should stand aside and not disrupt the prayer. They should be allowed the opportunity to finish.

Then they can blow you up!

In the current climate the justification for pre-dawn raids on Muslim houses needs to be clear and transparent.

Uh, that would be to catch the bad guys sleeping and forestall any chance to set off a bomb, obtain a weapon or escape - take your pick.

Non-Muslims are not allowed to touch holy books, Qurans or religious artefacts without permission. Where possible, Muslim officers in a state of 'Wudhu' (preparation before prayer) should be used for this purpose.

Do you know why? Because we are infidels and inferior to Muslims.

"They should keep respect. Some Hindus and Sikhs have a place or a room devoted to prayer and that should be respected too."

Yes, and as we've seen in Iraq, Muslims have no qualms about storing bombs and weapons in Mosques.

Britain is at war with Muslim terrorists who planned to fly an airplane into Parliament on 9/11/2001, blew up 3 trains and a bus on 7/7 killing over 50 and who tried to do the same two weeks later and the police are worried about offending people - people who consider us infidels and inferior? People who persecute every other religion.

All the while London's mad mayor puts out propaganda for the Muslim terrorists, as does the lunatic MP George Galloway and all are aided by the media.

By the way, Britain's media isn't the only Western media supporting Muslim terrorists, Australia's does as well.

Britain stood up to the Nazis and Communists but she is in appeasement mode for Islamofacists.

It's difficult to see how Britain can win this war when she will not even acknowledge she is in a war.

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Brain Bliss